Explore Lenses

Focused on the Mid-level

As most entry-level photographers start of with a Canon kit lens, they reach a stopping point where their skills can go no further while still unaware of what additional lenses in the Canon line can do for them.

A Real Business Need

Canon’s buyer data showed that those with three or more lenses were most likely to be brand loyalists for life, but getting customers to purchase their second lens was most challenging.

The Solution

Instead of organizing by product lines, we thought about what customers wanted to achieve creatively and enabled them to explore that way. Once users navigated down into the product level, we made the interface as visual and informative as possible, knowing how hard it was to distinguish one lens from another just by its name.

Lens Category Pages

These pages were all rooted in the capabilities of the lens family, providing benefits and tips to achieve those benefits.

Product Finder

Much time was spent developing an intuitive product finder that enabled users to filter by capability while providing copy that differentiated each of the results from the others.

Inspire Me

As a second phase of the campaign, after learning that tips from our site were being shared around pinterest, I brought an idea to our creative teams and clients around developing a cinemagraph content series that delivered tips across social media.

This resulted in a six-month long campaign with weekly releases of cinemagraphs, each focused on a single photographic tip.

Tips, Socialized

The cinemagraphs were found to be highly engaging and found plenty of reach across Facebook and pinterest.

Related Documents

Scope of Work for Phase 1 of the Campaign (excerpt)

I provided all contractual writing around the deliverables, assumptions and terms of conditions.

Functional Specifications

I crafted this document to outline the business and functional rules for every component in the experience.

Technical Architecture

This architectural recommendation was accepted by our Canon clients and turned into the standard for which all our properties were served.

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